Chandrayaan - Class 3 English NCERT Solution
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Chandrayaan - Class 3 English NCERT Solution

Chandrayaan from Class 3 English NCERT is the story of Rani, a curious young girl who learns about India's successful Chandrayaan mission to the Moon. The story ignites curiosity in children about space exploration and science. This page offers solutions, vocabulary lists, and extra questions, providing a complete learning experience that enhances students’ understanding of the story and its inspirational theme.

Gist of the Chapter

English Summary

This chapter tells the story of a curious girl named Rani who lives in a village. She often asks questions about the world around her, including about the Moon. One day, her brother Pratik tells her about India's Moon mission, Chandrayaan. Rani and Pratik visit their friend Vivaan's mother, Aunt Nandini, who is a scientist. Nandini explains to them that Chandrayaan means "Moon vehicle" and that India successfully landed on the far side of the Moon on July 14, 2023. The story introduces children to India's space achievements and encourages curiosity about science and space exploration.

Hindi Summary (हिंदी सारांश)

यह अध्याय रानी नाम की एक जिज्ञासु लड़की की कहानी बताता है जो एक गाँव में रहती है। वह अक्सर अपने आसपास की दुनिया के बारे में सवाल पूछती है, जिसमें चंद्रमा के बारे में भी शामिल है। एक दिन, उसका भाई प्रतीक उसे भारत के चंद्र मिशन, चंद्रयान के बारे में बताता है। रानी और प्रतीक अपने दोस्त विवान की माँ, नंदिनी आंटी से मिलने जाते हैं, जो एक वैज्ञानिक हैं। नंदिनी उन्हें समझाती है कि चंद्रयान का मतलब है "चंद्र वाहन" और भारत ने 14 जुलाई, 2023 को चंद्रमा के दूर के हिस्से पर सफलतापूर्वक उतरा। यह कहानी बच्चों को भारत की अंतरिक्ष उपलब्धियों से परिचित कराती है और विज्ञान और अंतरिक्ष अन्वेषण के बारे में जिज्ञासा को प्रोत्साहित करती है।

Word Meanings

Vocabulary List from the Chapter "Chandrayaan"
Sl English Word Hindi Meaning English Meaning
1 Curious जिज्ञासु Eager to know or learn something
2 Excitement उत्साह A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness
3 Machines मशीनें Apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts
4 Confused भ्रमित Unable to think clearly; bewildered
5 Scientist वैज्ञानिक A person who is studying or has expert knowledge of science
6 Rockets राकेट A cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance
7 Chandrayaan चंद्रयान Moon vehicle (India's lunar exploration mission)
8 Landing उतरना The act of coming down to the ground after a journey by air
9 Far side दूर का हिस्सा The side of the Moon that faces away from Earth
10 Sharbat शरबत A sweet drink made from fruit juice
11 Models प्रतिरूप A three-dimensional representation of a person or thing
12 Photographs तस्वीरें Pictures made using a camera
13 Vehicle वाहन A thing used for transporting people or goods
14 Immediately तुरंत At once; instantly
15 Pointed इशारा किया Directed attention towards something by extending one's finger

Exercise Solutions

A. Answer the following.

1. Rani was very curious. How do you know?

We know Rani was very curious because she used to ask many questions to her family, teachers, and friends. For example, she asked why the sky is blue and where the Sun goes at night.

2. What did Pratik say in excitement?

Pratik said excitedly, "Look Rani, India is on the Moon!"

3. Who was Nandini Aunty?

Nandini Aunty was Vivaan's mother and a scientist.

4. What do the words Chandra and Yaan mean?

Chandra means Moon and Yaan means vehicle.

5. Complete the sentence:

Chandrayaan-3 landed on the Moon on 14 July, 2023.

B. Think and say.

Imagine you are invited by the scientists to spend 10 days on the moon. Make a list of items that you would like to take with you.

Answers will vary. Some possible items could be: 1. Spacesuit 2. Oxygen supply 3. Food and water 4. Camera 5. Communication device 6. First aid kit 7. Flashlight 8. Notebook and pen 9. Sleeping bag 10. Scientific instruments for experiments

Grammar Exercises

A. Fill in the blanks using 'a'.

1. A dog is barking at the postman.

2. My mother gives chapattis to a cow everyday.

3. In summers, a sparrow builds its nest on the mango tree near our house.

B. Fill in the blanks using 'an'.

1. I saw an eagle yesterday.

2. Maya bought an umbrella for the monsoon.

3. An ice-cream man brings his cart in the evenings.

C. Fill in the blanks using 'a' or 'an'.

1. A brown hen laid an egg.

2. An eagle sat on a building.

3. Mary ate an apricot, a chikoo and an orange.

Additional Short Answer Questions

1. What song was Rani's mother singing?

Rani's mother was singing "Chanda mama door ke..."

2. How did Rani and Pratik decide to learn more about Chandrayaan?

Rani and Pratik decided to visit their friend Vivaan's house to talk to his mother, Aunt Nandini, who is a scientist.

3. What did Rani see in Vivaan's house?

Rani saw many models and photographs of rockets in Vivaan's house.

4. What did Nandini Aunty offer to the children?

Nandini Aunty offered sharbat to the children.

5. How did Pratik know that a rocket is used to go to the Moon?

Pratik knew that a rocket is used to go to the Moon because he had seen it on TV.

6. What was special about India's Moon landing according to Nandini?

According to Nandini, India became the first country to land on the far side of the Moon.

7. What was Rani's reaction when she learned about the Moon landing?

Rani jumped with excitement and asked if she could go to the Moon too.

8. How did Nandini respond to Rani's question about going to the Moon?

Nandini smiled and said, "Maybe, one day."

9. Why do you think Rani was so interested in the Moon?

Rani was likely interested in the Moon because of her curious nature and her mother's song about "Chanda mama" (Uncle Moon).

10. How does this story encourage children to be curious about science?

The story encourages curiosity by showing Rani asking questions, seeking out information from a scientist, and getting excited about space exploration.

11. What do you think Rani might ask Nandini Aunty next about space?

Answers may vary. Encourage creative questions about space exploration.

12. How does the story show the importance of asking questions?

The story shows that asking questions leads to learning new things, as Rani's questions lead her to discover information about India's Moon mission.

13. Why do you think it's important for children to learn about space missions like Chandrayaan?

Learning about space missions can inspire interest in science, technology, and exploration, and foster national pride in scientific achievements.

14. If you could ask a scientist one question about space, what would it be?

Answers will vary. Encourage thoughtful and creative questions about space.

15. How do you think space exploration might be different when you grow up?

Answers may vary. Encourage students to imagine future possibilities in space exploration based on current trends and their own ideas.

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