Why? Class 4 English NCERT Solutions
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Why? - Class 4 English NCERT Solutions

Discover complete solutions for the poem "Why?" from Class 4 English NCERT. The poem explores a child's endless curiosity about the world around them, asking questions like "Why is the sky blue?" and "Why do the leaves fall?" This page provides accurate answers, key vocabulary, and extra questions, helping students understand and appreciate the poem while preparing for exams.

Gist of the Poem


The poem "Why?" describes a curious little boy who constantly asks questions about the world around him. He inquires about natural phenomena like why wood floats and lead sinks, why the sun shines and the wind blows, and why clouds move across the sky. The poem suggests that while some of these questions can be answered with effort, others remain mysteries that even adults can't explain. It celebrates the inquisitive nature of children and their desire to understand the world.


"क्यों?" कविता एक जिज्ञासु छोटे लड़के के बारे में बताती है जो लगातार अपने आसपास की दुनिया के बारे में सवाल पूछता रहता है। वह प्राकृतिक घटनाओं के बारे में पूछताछ करता है, जैसे कि लकड़ी क्यों तैरती है और सीसा क्यों डूबता है, सूरज क्यों चमकता है और हवा क्यों बहती है, और बादल आकाश में क्यों चलते हैं। कविता सुझाव देती है कि जबकि इनमें से कुछ सवालों के जवाब प्रयास से दिए जा सकते हैं, कुछ ऐसे रहस्य हैं जिनकी व्याख्या वयस्क भी नहीं कर सकते। यह बच्चों की जिज्ञासु प्रकृति और दुनिया को समझने की उनकी इच्छा का जश्न मनाती है।

Vocabulary List

Word Meanings: Why?
S.No. English Word Hindi Meaning English Meaning
1 Curious जिज्ञासु Eager to know or learn something
2 Lead सीसा A heavy, soft, malleable metal
3 Marble संगमरमर A type of hard limestone
4 Sink डूबना To go down below the surface of water
5 Reason कारण A cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event
6 By-the-by वैसे Incidentally; in passing
7 Swim तैरना To float on a liquid surface
8 Blow बहना To move creating an air current (for wind)

Reading is fun

1. Name a few things that sink.

According to the poem, lead and marble sink. Other things that sink include stones, metal objects, and dense materials.

2. List three questions that the little boy asks.

(a) Why does wood swim (float)?
(b) Why do lead and marble sink?
(c) Why does the sun shine and wind blow?

3. What sort of a boy is described in the poem?

The correct answer is (b) curious. The poem describes the boy as always asking "Why?" and wanting to know about various phenomena.

Let's talk

Ram is a curious little boy. He is always asking questions. One day he came home and asked his grandfather questions like –

1. Why can't we look at the sun during a solar eclipse?
2. Why can't we touch the sun?
3. Why can't we go out to play in the dark?

(These questions are for class discussion. Teachers should guide students to understand concepts of eye safety, distance in space, and importance of light for visibility and safety.)

Word building

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the poem which rhyme with the coloured words in the sentences –

Why is the sky so high?
Do you know the colour of snow?
Have you found who made the clouds?
Put the glass in the sink after you finish your drink.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the curious boy want to know about the sun?

The boy wants to know why the sun shines and why it sinks behind the hills.

2. What questions does the boy ask about water and food?

The boy asks why we eat and drink.

3. What does the poem say about answering the boy's questions?

The poem says that some questions are not too hard to answer if you try, but others have no known reason.

4. What does the boy want to know about the clouds?

The boy wants to know what makes the clouds and why they cross the sky.

5. What does the poem suggest about curiosity?

The poem suggests that curiosity is natural and that asking questions is a way to learn about the world, even if not all questions have answers.

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