Night - Class 3 English NCERT Solution
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Night - Class 3 English NCERT Solution

Night from Class 3 English NCERT is a calming poem that describes the transition from day to night, as the sun sets behind the hills and the world becomes quiet. This page offers solutions, vocabulary lists, and extra questions to help young learners engage with the poem and appreciate its serene depiction of nighttime.

Gist of the Poem "Night"

English Summary

This poem describes a child's wonder about the sun's journey from day to night. The child observes how the bright sun disappears behind a hill in the evening, making the world dark and quiet. As night falls, the child goes to sleep. When morning comes and the child wakes up, they see the sun shining again, completing the cycle of day and night. The poem beautifully captures a young child's curiosity about natural phenomena and the comforting routine of day and night.

Hindi Summary (हिंदी सारांश)

यह कविता एक बच्चे के दिन से रात तक सूरज की यात्रा के बारे में जिज्ञासा को दर्शाती है। बच्चा देखता है कि कैसे चमकीला सूरज शाम को एक पहाड़ी के पीछे छिप जाता है, जिससे दुनिया अंधेरी और शांत हो जाती है। जैसे ही रात होती है, बच्चा सो जाता है। जब सुबह होती है और बच्चा जागता है, तो वह फिर से सूरज को चमकते हुए देखता है, जो दिन और रात के चक्र को पूरा करता है। यह कविता प्राकृतिक घटनाओं के बारे में एक छोटे बच्चे की जिज्ञासा और दिन-रात की आरामदायक दिनचर्या को सुंदर ढंग से दर्शाती है।

Word Meanings

Vocabulary List from the Poem "Night"
Sl English Word Hindi Meaning English Meaning
1 Wonder आश्चर्य To think or speculate curiously
2 Distant दूर का Far away in space or time
3 Peep झांकना To look quickly or cautiously
4 Bright चमकीला Giving out or reflecting much light
5 Sinks डूबता है Goes down gradually
6 Hill पहाड़ी A naturally raised area of land
7 Still स्थिर Not moving or making a sound
8 Shining चमकता हुआ Emitting light
9 Sunrise सूर्योदय The time when the sun appears above the horizon in the morning
10 Sunset सूर्यास्त The time when the sun disappears below the horizon in the evening
11 Sky आकाश The region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from Earth
12 Imagine कल्पना करना Form a mental image or concept of
13 Spy जासूस A person who secretly collects and reports information
14 Clue संकेत A piece of evidence or information used in the detection of something
15 Guess अनुमान लगाना Estimate or conclude without sufficient information

Exercise Solutions

A. Answer the following.

1. Where does the Sun go after the end of the day?

According to the poem, the Sun sinks behind a distant hill at the end of the day.

2. Which among the following needs the Sun? Why?

a) Sunflower - needs the Sun for growth and to follow its movement

c) Plants - need the Sun for photosynthesis and growth

e) Children - need the Sun for vitamin D production and overall health

3. The poem talks about the Sun in the sky. What else do you see when you look up at the sky?

When we look up at the sky, we can see clouds, the moon, stars, birds, airplanes, and sometimes rainbows.

B. Think and answer.

1. What different colours do we get to see during sunrise and sunset?

During sunrise and sunset, we often see beautiful colors like orange, pink, red, purple, and golden hues in the sky.

2. What do you see when you look at the sky at night?

At night, we can see the moon, stars, and sometimes planets. In some places, we might also see the Milky Way galaxy.

3. How do you feel when you open your eyes in the morning?

Answers may vary. Students might feel refreshed, sleepy, excited for the day, or other emotions.

4. Imagine a day when the Sun doesn't come out. Talk about how the day would be.

Without the Sun, the day would be dark and cold. Plants wouldn't be able to make food, and we'd need artificial lights. It might feel gloomy or scary, and our daily routines would be disrupted.

Grammar Exercises

A. Read the following words and circle the words that are found in the sky.

Words to circle: Stars, Sun, Moon, Rain, Clouds, Rainbow

B. Add 'Sun' to the following words to make new words.

Sunlight (already done)







Additional Short Answer Questions

1. What time of day does the poem describe at the beginning?

The poem begins by describing the end of the day, when the sun is setting.

2. How does the world change when the sun goes down?

When the sun goes down, the world grows dark and still.

3. What does the child in the poem do when it gets dark?

When it gets dark, the child goes to bed and sleeps.

4. When does the child wake up?

The child wakes up when the day begins to peep, which means at dawn or early morning.

5. What does the child see when they open their eyes?

When the child opens their eyes, they see the Sun shining down on them.

6. How does the poem describe the sun during the day?

The poem describes the sun as shining bright all day.

7. What question does the child wonder about in the poem?

The child wonders where the sun goes at night.

8. How does the poem create a sense of the day-night cycle?

The poem creates a sense of the day-night cycle by describing the sun setting, the world becoming dark, the child sleeping, and then waking to see the sun again.

9. What does the phrase "the day begins to peep" mean?

This phrase means that daylight is starting to appear, signaling the beginning of a new day.

10. How does the poem make you feel about nighttime?

Answers may vary. The poem might make some feel peaceful about nighttime, as it's described as a time when the world is dark and still.

11. What do you think the child feels when they see the sun shining in the morning?

Answers may vary. The child might feel happy, refreshed, or ready to start a new day.

12. How does the poem show the connection between the sun and our daily lives?

The poem shows how our daily lives are connected to the sun's cycle - we're active when it's shining and we sleep when it's gone.

13. Why do you think the poet chose to write about night and day?

The poet might have chosen this topic because the day-night cycle is a universal experience that all children can relate to.

14. How does the poem use rhyme to create a rhythm?

The poem uses rhyming words at the end of every other line, creating a simple, pleasing rhythm that's easy for children to follow.

15. If you could add another verse to this poem, what would you write about?

Answers will vary. Encourage students to be creative and think about other aspects of day and night they could describe.

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