Alice in Wonderland - Class 4 English NCERT Solutions
Access complete solutions for "Alice in Wonderland," Class 4 English NCERT. This famous tale takes students on an enchanting journey with Alice as she falls into a magical world filled with bizarre creatures and unusual events. The page includes answers, key vocabulary, and extra questions to help students explore the story’s themes of curiosity and imagination, making exam preparation easier.
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Vocabulary List
S.No. | English Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1 | Scamper | दौड़ना | To run with quick light steps |
2 | Hurried | जल्दी में | Done in a rush or hurry |
3 | Popped | अचानक प्रकट होना | Appeared or happened suddenly |
4 | Disappeared | गायब हो गया | Ceased to be visible |
5 | Whiskers | मूंछें | The long projecting hairs growing from the face of many animals |
6 | Curiosity | जिज्ञासा | A strong desire to know or learn something |
7 | Waistcoat | जाकेट | A sleeveless upper garment |
8 | Wondered | आश्चर्य किया | Felt curious or doubtful about something |
9 | Burning | जलता हुआ | Very strong or intense |
10 | Pile | ढेर | A heap or stack of things |
11 | Delight | प्रसन्नता | Great pleasure or joy |
12 | Longed | लालसा की | Had a strong wish or desire |
13 | Exclaimed | ज़ोर से कहा | Cried out suddenly, especially in surprise or anger |
14 | Fountains | फव्वारे | Structures that spray water into the air |
15 | Loveliest | सबसे सुंदर | Most beautiful or attractive |
Reading is fun
1. While listening to the story, what did Alice see?
While listening to the story, Alice saw a white rabbit scamper by.
2. What was different about the rabbit that Alice saw?
The rabbit Alice saw could talk, wore a blue coat and red waistcoat, and carried a watch.
3. Where did the rabbit go?
The rabbit popped down a large rabbit hole.
4. How did Alice reach Wonderland?
Alice reached Wonderland by following the rabbit and jumping into the rabbit hole.
5. What strange things did Alice see?
Alice saw a talking rabbit, a small door about fifteen inches high, and a glass table with a golden key.
6. Describe in your own words the garden that Alice saw.
Alice saw the loveliest garden with bright flowers and cool fountains.
8. Tick (✓) the correct answer.
The rabbit had: pink eyes
Who was burning with curiosity?: Alice
Who fell down and down and down?: Alice
Who said – "Oh, my ears and whiskers? How late it's getting!": the rabbit
The garden Alice saw was: lovely
Let's talk
1. Describe some of the sounds you hear at night.
At night, I might hear crickets chirping, owls hooting, leaves rustling in the wind, and sometimes distant traffic or dogs barking.
2. Imagine you are Alice and your partner is a rabbit. What would you do?
If I were Alice, I would ask the rabbit many questions about where he's going and why he's in such a hurry. I might also try to follow him to see where he leads me.
3. What do you think Alice saw in the garden?
I think Alice might have seen colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes, beautiful fountains, maybe some talking plants or animals, and possibly some magical creatures.
4. How could Alice have got into the garden?
Alice could have gotten into the garden by finding a way to shrink herself to fit through the small door, or by discovering another entrance that was her size.
Let's write
1. Find one word from the story that means
(a) to walk fast - hurried
(b) to think - wondered
(c) happy - delight
(d) to be seen - appeared
(e) at once - quickly
(f) move fast - scamper
(g) to be inquisitive - curious
2. Give another word for the ones given below with similar meanings and make sentences. Now write the opposites of these describing words and make sentences with them –
lovely - beautiful / ugly
talking - speaking / silent
listening - hearing / ignoring
see - observe / overlook
centre - middle / edge
3. Imagine you are going on a journey to the centre of the earth. What do you think you will see? What would you feel?
On a journey to the center of the earth, I might see layers of rock, crystals, and underground caves. I might feel very hot as I get closer to the earth's core, and I would probably feel excited and a little scared about the adventure.
4. Re-arrange the words to make the questions that Alice has in her mind, and put a question mark (?).
(a) How can a rabbit talk?
(b) Where is he going?
(c) Can he read the time?
(d) Why is he in a hurry?
Short Answer Questions
1. What was Alice doing when she first saw the white rabbit?
Alice was lying under a tree listening to her sister reading a story when she first saw the white rabbit.
2. What did the white rabbit take out of his waistcoat pocket?
The white rabbit took out a big watch from his waistcoat pocket.
3. Why did Alice follow the white rabbit?
Alice followed the white rabbit because she was burning with curiosity about a talking rabbit wearing a waistcoat.
4. What did Alice wonder about as she fell down the rabbit hole?
Alice wondered how many miles down she had fallen and if she would slip through to the other side of the earth.
5. What did Alice land on at the bottom of the rabbit hole?
Alice landed on a pile of dry leaves at the bottom of the rabbit hole.
6. How tall was the small door that Alice found?
The small door that Alice found was about fifteen inches high.
7. What did Alice see on the glass table?
Alice saw a golden key on the glass table.
8. Why couldn't Alice enter the garden through the small door?
Alice couldn't enter the garden because she was too big to fit through the small door.
9. What did Alice wish for when she couldn't fit through the door?
Alice wished she could become smaller so she could fit through the door and enter the garden.
10. What color was the rabbit's waistcoat?
The rabbit was wearing a red waistcoat.
11. What did Alice find particularly strange about the rabbit?
Alice found it strange that the rabbit could talk, wore clothes, and carried a watch.
12. What did the rabbit say that made Alice think he was late for something?
The rabbit said, "Oh dear, I will be too late!" which made Alice think he was late for something.