Don't be Afraid of the Dark - Class 4 English NCERT Solutions
Explore solutions for the poem "Don't be Afraid of the Dark," Class 4 English NCERT. This soothing poem reassures children that darkness is nothing to fear, encouraging them to embrace the calm and peace of nighttime. The page offers detailed answers, important vocabulary, and extra questions, helping students understand the poem’s message and prepare for exams.
Gist of the Poem
The poem "Don't be Afraid of the Dark" by Ruskin Bond is a comforting message to a child, encouraging them not to fear the night. It explains that darkness is a natural part of the day when the earth rests. The poet contrasts the harshness of sunlight with the gentleness of moonlight and the constancy of stars. The poem suggests that nighttime is peaceful and a good time for reflection, encouraging the child to think of friends and find solace in the quiet of the night.
"अंधेरे से मत डरो" कविता रस्किन बॉन्ड द्वारा एक बच्चे को दिया गया सांत्वना संदेश है, जो उन्हें रात से न डरने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है। यह बताता है कि अंधेरा दिन का एक प्राकृतिक हिस्सा है जब पृथ्वी आराम करती है। कवि सूर्य के प्रकाश की कठोरता की तुलना चांदनी की कोमलता और तारों की निरंतरता से करता है। कविता सुझाव देती है कि रात का समय शांतिपूर्ण होता है और चिंतन के लिए एक अच्छा समय है, बच्चे को दोस्तों के बारे में सोचने और रात की शांति में सांत्वना पाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है।
सबसे सस्ते एवं शानदार
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Vocabulary List
S.No. | English Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1 | Afraid | डरा हुआ | Feeling fear or anxiety |
2 | Dark | अंधेरा | With little or no light |
3 | Rest | आराम | Cease work or movement in order to relax |
4 | Harsh | कठोर | Unpleasantly rough or severe |
5 | Forever | हमेशा के लिए | For all future time; for always |
6 | Troubles | परेशानियाँ | Difficulties or problems |
7 | Cease | रुकना | Come or bring to an end |
8 | Moonlight | चांदनी | The light from the moon |
Reading is fun
1. What is the poem about?
The poem is about not being afraid of the dark and finding peace in the night.
2. What happens when the day is over?
When the day is over, the earth must rest and darkness falls.
3. What does the earth do when the day is over?
The earth rests when the day is over.
4. What does the poet want us to do at night?
The poet wants us to let our thoughts travel to friends far and near and find peace in the night.
True or False
Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE?
(a) The poet tells the child to be afraid when it is dark. FALSE
(b) The poet says that stars will always shine at night. TRUE
(c) The poet tells the child to think of friends after it is dark. TRUE
Word Building
Compound Words
moon + light = moonlight
break + fast = breakfast
good + night = goodnight
day + break = daybreak
water + fall = waterfall
rain + bow = rainbow
Short Answer Questions
1. How does the poet describe moonlight compared to sunlight?
The poet describes sunlight as harsh, while moonlight is described as never being harsh, implying it's gentle and soothing.
2. What does the poet say about stars?
The poet says that stars will be shining forever and ever, suggesting their constancy and reliability.
3. Why does the poet encourage being friends with the Night?
The poet encourages being friends with the Night because there is nothing to fear, and it's a time when the world is at peace.
4. What contrast does the poet make between day and night?
The poet contrasts day and night by saying that during the day, troubles don't seem to cease, but at night, the world is at peace.
5. What advice does the poet give about thoughts at night?
The poet advises letting thoughts travel to friends far and near during the night.