Wake up! - Class 4 English NCERT Solutions
Find complete solutions for the poem "Wake up!" from Class 4 English NCERT. This lively poem encourages children to wake up early and enjoy the beauty of the morning, connecting them with the freshness of nature. The page offers thorough answers, key vocabulary, and extra questions, helping students appreciate the poem's message while preparing for exams.
Gist of the Poem
The poem "Wake up!" is an enthusiastic call to a child to start their day. It describes a beautiful morning with birds singing and bees buzzing, encouraging the child to get out of bed, wash, dress, and join the world outside. The poem mentions various farm animals that are already awake, emphasizing that it's too late to stay in bed. The overall message is about embracing the day and joining in the activities of nature and the world around us.
"जागो!" कविता एक बच्चे को अपना दिन शुरू करने के लिए उत्साहपूर्ण आह्वान है। यह पक्षियों के गाने और मधुमक्खियों के गुनगुनाने के साथ एक सुंदर सुबह का वर्णन करती है, बच्चे को बिस्तर से उठने, नहाने, कपड़े पहनने और बाहर की दुनिया में शामिल होने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करती है। कविता में विभिन्न खेत के जानवरों का उल्लेख है जो पहले से ही जाग चुके हैं, यह जोर देते हुए कि बिस्तर में रहने के लिए बहुत देर हो चुकी है। समग्र संदेश दिन को अपनाने और प्रकृति तथा हमारे आसपास की दुनिया की गतिविधियों में शामिल होने के बारे में है।
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Vocabulary List
S.No. | English Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
1 | Lovely | सुंदर | Beautiful or attractive |
2 | Buzzing | भनभनाना | Making a low, continuous humming sound |
3 | Sleepy head | नींद में डूबा व्यक्ति | A person who is slow to wake up or likes to sleep a lot |
4 | Tiniest | सबसे छोटा | The smallest in size or amount |
5 | Recite | सुनाना | To say aloud from memory |
6 | Hurry up | जल्दी करो | To move or act quickly |
7 | Rustling | सरसराहट | Making a soft, muffled sound |
8 | Chirping | चहचहाना | Making short, sharp sounds (as small birds do) |
Reading is fun
1. What do you think birds say to each other in the morning?
Birds might chirp greetings to each other, sing about the new day, or call out to find food.
2. Who are already awake?
The birds, bees, cow, horses, ducks, sheep, and the tiniest chicken are already awake.
3. Which creatures wake up in the morning before the child does?
The birds, bees, and farm animals (cow, horses, ducks, sheep, and chickens) wake up before the child.
Let's write
1. Connect the pairs of sentences below using 'and' or 'but'.
(a) It is time to get up for school, but I want to sleep for some more time.
(b) Sheila got some chocolates for her birthday, and she got some new clothes too.
(c) Everyone has gone to sleep, but I want to read my book.
(d) Raju plays cricket, and he also plays hockey.
2. Fill in the blanks according to the example given below –
tiny tinier tiniest
big bigger biggest
sleepy sleepier sleepiest
lovely lovelier loveliest
late later latest
round rounder roundest
small smaller smallest
good better best
Short Answer Questions
1. What time of day is described in the poem?
The poem describes early morning time.
2. What sounds can be heard in the morning according to the poem?
According to the poem, birds singing and bees buzzing can be heard in the morning.
3. What does the poem suggest the child should do after waking up?
The poem suggests the child should wash, dress, and come out to play.
4. What farm animals are mentioned in the poem?
The poem mentions cows, horses, ducks, sheep, and chickens.
5. What sound does the tiniest chicken make?
The tiniest chicken makes a "Cheep-cheep-cheep" sound.